Partite politike kane shpenzuar vetem ne javen e pare te fushates, me teper se 20 milion leke, mbi shumen qe akordohet nga buxheti i shtetit per subjektet, per financimin e fushates elektorale. Shifrat jane raportuar nga organizata "MJAFT". Ne analize jane marre 2 komponentë te fushates, qe jane spotet qe shfaqen ne televizione dhe organizimet politike. Shpenzimet shume te medha per spotet, tejkalojne parashikimet ne buxhetin e shtetit per partitë, por kjo shume eshte edhe me e madhe, pasi jane ende ne fazen e llogaritjes te aktiviteteve elektorale, si koncerte, tubime etj. Nje tjeter element qe duhet marre parasysh, eshte se behet fjale per shpenzime vetem ne javen e pare te fushates, ndersa gara behet me e ashper ne ditet e mbetura dhe financimet rriten shume me teper.
Political parties have spent only the first week of the campaign, more than 20 million lek, the amount was allocated from the state budget for entities to finance the campaign. The figures are reported by the organization "ENOUGH". We have received two component analysis of the campaign, which are spots that appear on TV and political organizations. Costs too big spots, exceeding expectations in the state budget for parties, but this amount is even greater, because they are still under calculation of electoral activities, such as concerts, gatherings etc.. Another element to be taken into account, is that this is the only expense in the first week of the campaign, while the competition becomes tough and funding remaining days grow much more.