Kapshticë, kthim masiv shqiptarësh - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

VizionPlusAlbania 2015-11-23

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Te pakten 600 qytetare shqiptare jane refuzuar përgjatë tre diteve te fundit nga policia greke ne piken e kalimit kufitar te Kapshticës. Te kthyerit thone se prej tre ditesh jane duke qendruar ne kufi me shpresën per te kaluar ne vendin fqinj, por nuk jane lejuar nga autoritet helene. Qytetaret thone se pala greke po abuzon, pasi u ka kërkuar jashte rregullave garanci financiare qe variojne nga 1 deri ne 4 mije euro. Autoritet shqiptare te kufirit, te gjendura perballe shqetësimit te qytetareve kane patur takime me homologet greke per zgjidhjen e problemit, por edhe kete te shtune situata ka qene e njejte. Shpjegimi i vetem sipas udhëtareve eshte lidhet me faktin se kjo situate përkon me fillimin e sezonit te punës ne bujqësi. Ndaj sipas tyre greket duket se po përdorin keto kërkesa ekstreme per te penguar kalimin e shqiptare me pretendimin se ata do te qëndrojnë për punësim sezonal ne shtetin Helen.

At least 600 Albanian citizens are rejected during the last three days by police at the border crossing point Kapestica. Returnees say that three days are staying at the border in the hope of making it into the neighboring country, but were not allowed by the Hellenic authorities. Citizens say that Greece is abusing, after being asked out financial guarantee rules that vary from 1 to 4 thousand euros. Albanian border authorities faced with the concern of citizens have had meetings with Greek counterparts to solve the problem, but this Saturday was the same situation. The only explanation by passengers is related to the fact that this situation coincides with the start of the season to work in agriculture. According to their Greeks seem to use these extreme requirements to prevent over Albanian claim that they will stay in the country for seasonal Helen.

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