Mbyllet komuna Portez, s'ka fonde - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

VizionPlusAlbania 2015-11-22

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Komunes Portez ne Fier i eshte vene dryni nga drejtuesit e saj, si pasoje e mungesës se fondeve. Sipas kryekomunarit Azem Shatri komuna ka nderprere sherbimet per 12 mije banore te zones, pas bllokimit te granteve nga qeveria.
Ne prag falimentimi eshte edhe komuna Levan. Drejtuesit e saj pohojne se nuk kane shpërndarë rrogat per punonjesit dhe as ndihmen ekonomike per shtresat ne nevoje. Pas bashkive veshtiresite ekonomike kane nisur te ndihen edhe ne komunat e vendit. Sipas drejtuesve te tyre kalimi i granteve te qeverisjes vendore per shlyerjen e borxheve te prapambetura te ujesjellesave ndaj CEZ, po i çon drejt falimentimit.

Commune Portez Fier lock is given by its leaders as a result of lack of funds. According kryekomunarit Azem Shatri municipality has suspended services to 12 thousand inhabitants of the area, after the block grant from the government.
On the eve of bankruptcy is Levan municipalities. Its leaders claimed that they have distributed wages for employees and no economic assistance for the poor. After the economic difficulties municipalities have begun to feel well in the municipalities of the country. According to their leaders passage of local government grants for debt repayment arrears water supply to CEZ, is leading to bankruptcy.

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