Komuna Pojan ne rrethin e Korçes, eshte njesia e pare vendore qe refuzon zyrtarisht kërkimet per eshtrat e te reneve greke gjate luftes. Kryetari i kesaj komune,
Alfred Berberi deklaron se pas konsultimeve me banoret e zones por edhe kërkimeve te tyre, rezulton se ne Pojan nuk ka pasur luftime mes grekeve dhe italianeve, ndaj si rrjedhoje ata i kane derguar nje pergjigje negative bashkise se Korçes, lidhur me marrëveshjes e përbashkët mes qeverise shqiptare dhe asaj greke. Refuzimin e komunes, duket se e mbeshtesin edhe banoret e fshatit Pojan. Enver Ziko, 75 vjec shprehet se ne kete zone jo vetem qe nuk ka pasur luftime, por nuk ka as varre. Pavarësisht refuzimit zyrtar te kesaj njesie te qeverisjes vendore, lista e bere publike disa dite me pare, përcakton gërmime edhe ne fshatin Pojan, si nje nga pikat e përcaktuara per kërkimin e varreve te ushtareve greke.
Pojan municipality in the district of Korca, is the first officially rejects local search for the remains of the fallen Greek during the war. The mayor,
Alfred Barber stated that after consultation with the residents of the area but also their research shows that we Pojan there was fighting between the Greek and Italian, so as a result they have sent a negative response Municipality of Korca, regarding a joint agreement between the government Albanian and Greek. Refusal of the municipality, seems to support the residents of the village Pojan. Enver Ziko, 75 years old, says that in this area not only has not been fighting, but there are no graves. Despite the official denial of this local government unit, the list made ??public a few days ago, we excavations sets village Pojan, as one of the points allocated to the search for the graves of Greek soldiers.