Vendimi i pafajësisë për gardistet e akuzuar nga prokuroria si vrasës te 3 protestuesve ne 21 janar 2011, nga gjykata e faktit ne Tirane, nëse për Ambasadën Amerikane ishte tronditës, për një pjese te analisteve dhe gazetareve qe kane mbuluar çështjen, ishte i pritshëm. Botuesi Mero Baze rendit 3 arsye kryesore, perse sipas tij, gjykatat u urdhëruan te rrezonin akuzat per ish kreun e gardës dhe vartësin e tij. Edhe gazetari investigativ Artan Hoxha, nje nder ndjekësit me te vëmendshëm te çështjes se 21 janarit, nuk është i habitur nga vendimi. Sipas tij, vec faktit qe kryeministri nuk lejoi dënimin e gardisteve edhe vete karriera profesionale e gjyqtareve te dosjes, e beri te besoi se vendimi final do te ishte pafajësia. Një dite me pare, Gjykata e Faktit liroi nga çdo akuze ish-komandantin e gardës Ndrea Prendi dhe gardistin agim Llupo, duke argumentuar se prokuroria nuk provoi qe vrasjet ishin kryer me dashje.
Economic growth for the year 2012 can not be higher than 2%. According to estimates by the Bank of Albania, the last quarter which is carrying the hopes and Albanian finances to improve some growth figures are expected to be lower than the third quarter, which recorded 2.7%. apparently this period will remain the best part of this year, in contrast to what was originally anticipated by the Albanian government. During the presentation of monetary policy report last tremuojrin, Bank of Albania has konstatur in 2012 an overall decrease in consumption, which has significantly deteriorated business situation, and gives the uncertainty in the future. The central bank report further noted the difficult situation in the employment sector, where private enterprises resulted employment was stagnant, while the total for the first 9 months of last year the employment rate increased only by 0.03%. but one other important element is the fact as a translated work in cash in the economy, ie labor productivity, according to the report turns -5.5%. Also the Bank of Albania estimates that hute taken by the government have contributed bearing higher interest rates. For 2013 the report estimates that exports will be worth lower than a year ago, as a result of the economic situation in the eurozone.