Administratori i ri i CEZ, Sahit Dollapi ka zbardhur abuzimet qe sipas tij ka bere kompania ne drejtimin e sistemit te shpërndarjes. Kater dite pas marrjes se detyres,
Dollapi deklaron se humbjet ne rrjet kapin shifrën e 50%, ndërkohë qe sipas kontratës kete vit do te uleshin ne 20%. Administratori i CEZ ka pezulluar nje njesi qe sherbente per gjobevenie ndaj klientëve. Dollapi ka deklaruar se do te behet rishikim i matesave dhe vulosje e re e tyre per te evituar çdo vjedhje te mundshme. Sipas tij nuk do te kete me dënime kolektive dhe ne harkun kohor te dy muajve vendi do t'i rikthehet furnizimit 24 ore me drita. Sasia e energjisë elektrike është e mjaftueshme, por Sahit Dollapi ka theksuar se kjo situate është krijuar pas keqmenaxhimit te CEZ.
CEZ's new administrator, Sahit Dollapi has discolored abuses which according to him has made the company in the direction of the distribution system. Four days after taking office,
Cupboard states that net losses in the amount of 50%, while that under the contract this year will decrease to 20%. CEZ administrator has disabled a unit that served for gjobevenie to customers. Cupboard has stated that they will be reviewing their new meter and sealing to avoid any possible theft. According to him, there will be no collective punishments and the time frame of two months the country will return to supply 24 hour light. The amount of electricity is enough, but Sahit Dollapi pointed out that this situation is created by the mismanagement of CEZ.