300 nxënës, mësim në shtëpi - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

VizionPlusAlbania 2015-11-22

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Nje shtëpi private eshte kthyer ne nje shkolle te improziuar, ne Zvezde te Korçes. 300 nxenes bejne mesim ne kete shtëpi te braktisur, me dy turne. Dhomat jane te mbipopulluara per shkak te hapesires se vogel, ndersa nxënësit zhvillojnë mesim duke sfiduar temperaturat e ftohta te motit. Kjo situate ka ardhur si pasoje e e rikonstruksionit, qe po i behet shkollës ekzistuese, punimet e se ciles jane zgjatur per shkak edhe te kushteve atmosferike. Aktualisht nuk ka nje afat se kur do te përfundojnë punimet, qe duhej te kishin nisur ne stinën e ngrohte, per te përfunduar ne shtator.

A private home turned into a school improziuar, we Zvezda Korca. 300 students make teaching in this abandoned house, with two shifts. The rooms are overcrowded because of the small space, and develop teaching students challenging cold weather temperatures. This situation has come about as a result of e reconstruction, which is performed on the existing school, whose works are extended due to weather conditions. Currently there is a time when they will finish the work, you ought to have started in the warm season, to finish in September.

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