AK: Kufizim çdo mandati - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

VizionPlusAlbania 2015-11-22

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Kryetari i Aleances Kuq e Zi Kreshnik Spahiu ka lajmëruar se forca qe ai drejton do te beje koalicion vetem me ato parti qe kane vullnet te miratojne nje ligj per te kufizuar mandatet e pushtetarëve: ne qeveri, parlament dhe administrate.
Gjate mbledhjes se këshillit kombëtar, Spahiu ka deklaruar se ai vete do te drejtoje AK vetëm per 8 vjet duke theksuar se ligji i pare qe duhet te miratohet ne parlamentin e ri duhet te rregulloje çeshtjen e kufizimit te mandateve ne mënyrë qe te largohen nga politika njerëzit qe kane 20 vjet qe qeverisin Shqipërinë. AK nuk eshte forca e pare politike qe vendos kufizimin e mandateve, pasi pothuaj te gjitha partitë politike ne fillimet e tyre e kane patur nje nen te tille, te cilin e kane ndryshuar me kalimin e viteve.

Red and Black Alliance Chairman Kreshnik Spahiu announced that the force he leads will make a coalition only with those parties who are willing to adopt a law to limit the mandates of government: the government, parliament and administration.
During the national council meeting, Sefa has stated that he himself will lead CA for 8 years only noting that the first law should be adopted in the new parliament should regulate the issue of term limits so as to leave people policy who have 20 years of governing the country. AK is not the first political force that sets the limitation of mandates, as almost all political parties in their infancy have been such an article, which have changed over the years.

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