Bukinistët në panairin e librit - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

VizionPlusAlbania 2015-11-22

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I keni pare ne disa nga rruget kryesore te Tiranes prej vitesh, por keto dite mund t'i gjeni edhe ne panairin e librit. E kemi fjalen per librat e vjeter, te cilet koleksionohen nga ata qe njihen si bukinist. Nen logon "Shtepia e Bukinistit" nje grup koleksionuesish te tille ka vendosur per here te pare ne panairi stenden e tyre dhe siç tregojne librat jane nga me te ndryshmit, apo nga me te vjetrit. Por, cili ka qene gjate ketyre tre diteve te panairit botimi me i zgjedhur ne stenden e bukinisteve. Besojeni ose jo, por shqiptaret kane preferuar kete album nen titullin "40 vjet Shqipëri Socialiste", botim i vitit 1984. Megjithate, pertej imazheve komuniste, tashme retro, ka nga ata qe shohim me vemendje daten e botimit, duke kerkuar nje liber sa me te vjeter. Çmimet variojne nga 100 leke deri ne dy mije leke. Ndersa per librat qe jane kopje unike dhe publikime mjaft te vjetra vlera ndryshon, por si keta te fundit ketu nuk ka.

I have seen in some of the main streets of Tirana for years, but these days you can also find in the book fair. We have a word for old books, which collected from those who known as bukinist. Under logon the "Home Bukinistit" such a collector's group has decided for the first time in their stand fair and it shows books are among the amend, or with the elderly. But that was during these three days of the fair publish selected we stand bukinisteve. Believe it or not, but Albanians have preferred this album under the title "40 years of Socialist Albania", published in 1984. However, beyond the current retro communist images, there are those who look carefully the date of publication, a book as old. Prices range from 100 lek to two thousand lek. As for books that are unique and very old publications copy different values??, but the latter here.

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