Replika mes Topallit e Oketes - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

VizionPlusAlbania 2015-11-22

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Seanca plenare e kësaj te enjteje ne Kuvend, ka nisur me replika mes kryetares se kuvendit Jozefina Topalli dhe deputetit te FRD-së, Gazmend Oketa.
Ndersa ky i fundit ka kërkuar fjalën per pyetje, Topalli e ka ndërprere ish-kolegun e partisë Demokratike, duke i thene se lidhjet e tij familjare i përkasin regjimit komunist, ndaj per kete duhet te përgjigjet Oketa. Pasi i eshte mohuar fjala gjate seances plenare, Oketa ka dale jashte per te shpjeguar per mediat se nuk u lejua nga Topalli, qe t'u kërkonte deputeteve te respektonin figurën e Lirak Bejkos, ish te përndjekurit politik, i cili u vetëdogj dhe u përcoll dje per ne banesën e fundit. Ndersa akuzat e kryetares se Kuvendit, per familjaret e tij i ka cilësuar te ulëta dhe te pavërteta. Debatet jane zhvilluar gjate diskutimeve per projektligjin kundër dhunës ndaj grave, nje draft qe vjen pas shume rasteve ekstreme te dhunimit dhe humbjes se jetës se grave dhe vajzave. Me herët, ne seance u betua si deputeti me i ri i parlamentit edhe Auron Tare, i cili zëvendëson për disa muaj Andis Harasanin pasi ky i fundit, la vullnetarisht mandatin e deputetit.

Plenary sessions of this to enjteje in Parliament has begun with the reply between Speaker Topalli and deputy FRD, Bob Brown.
While the latter has requested the floor for questions, Topalli has stopped former Democratic party colleague, saying that his family ties belonging to the communist regime, so for this to be Oketa answers. Having been denied the word during the plenary session, Oketa has come out to explain to the media that he was not allowed by Topalli, ask the deputies to observe figure Lirak Bejkos, persecuted policy, which vetëdogj and was followed yesterday last flat. While the charges of the speaker of the Parliament, for his family set low and untrue. Debates have been held during the discussions on the draft violence against women, a draft that comes after the more extreme cases of rape and loss of life of women and girls. Earlier in the session, was sworn in as deputy new parliament Auron Tare, who substituted for several months Andis Harasani after the latter left voluntarily deputy mandate.

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