Forumi Eurosocialist ka denoncuar te tjere drejtor shkollash, te cilet kane lejuar qe ne institucionet arsimore te behet propagande politike nga kryeministri Berishë, duke shkelur hapur ligjin per arsimin. Te rinjtë e FRESH-it kane shprehur indinjatën e tyre qe gjate orëve te mësimit fëmijëve ju ofrohet politikë ne vend te dijeve. Te rinjtë socialistë ju kane bere thirrje prindërve te mos lejojnë me përdorimin e fëmijëve te tyre, ndërsa kane theksuar se do te vijojnë te denoncojnë te gjithë drejtuesit e shkollave, te cilët kane shkelur ligjin.
Forum Eurosocialist denounced other school directors, who have allowed educational institutions to become political propaganda by Prime Minister Berisha, openly violating the law on education. FRESH's youth have expressed their indignation that during classes offered to children instead of policy knowledge. Socialist youth you have urged parents not to allow the use of their children, and stressed that it would continue to report all school directors, who have broken the law.