"Dancing With the Stars" rekord audience - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

VizionPlusAlbania 2015-11-22

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"Dancing with the Stars Albania" ngriti mbrëmjen e te enjtes siparin e edicionit te trete te këtij spektakli plot emocione, duke shënuar përsëri një rekord audience si prodhim i "Vizion Plus" e "Tring Dixhital". Ashtu siç organizatoret e kësaj patente origjinale te BBC Word Wide, kishin premtuar, ndryshimet ne skenografi, klipe apo ritëm ishin pjese e kësaj premiere qe do te vijoje me 11 puntata te tjera. Përveç çiftit simpatik te drejtuesve Ami dhe Ermal, "Dancing 3", nisi me këmben e mbare. Por, ajo çka mbetej kërshëria kryesore e kësaj premiere te "Dancing Albania", ishin emrat e personazheve vip. Ata janë plot 14, figura te njohura, te dashura, te përfolura te cilët garuan ne mbrëmjen e pare ne gjini te ndryshme nga "Cha Cha Cha", "Mambo", "Tango", "Vals" apo "Paso Doble". Këtë here, ndryshe nga edicionet e shkuara publiku u ftua te votoje ne momentin qe çifti performon si dhe gjate vlerësimit te jurisë, pjese e se cilës është këtë vit edhe kompozitori Alfred Kaçinari. Edhe pse ne puntaten e pare, sfida "Dance Off" mungoi, pasi ajo nis javën qe vjen, një renditje provizore e me te mirëve apo me pak sipas vlerësimeve qe u bene, ka sjelle ethet e para mes yjeve. Premiera e "Dancing With The Stars Albania 3", ritransmetohet te shtunën ne orën 13.30, ndërkohe qe duke nisur nga kjo e premte ju do te njiheni me nga afër me sfidat e personazheve vip, duke pare përmbledhjet ditore te provave ne orën 19.30.

"Dancing with the Stars Albania" raised Triggers Off Thursday evening of the third edition of this exciting spectacle, again marking a record audience as production of "Vision Plus" and "Digital Tring". As organizers of the original patent Word Wide BBC had promised, the changes in scenery, clips or rhythm were part of this premier that will be followed by 11 other puntatat. Besides the charming couple of leaders and Ermal Ami, "Dancing 3", began with exchanges of the whole. But what remains the main curiosity of the premier of "Dancing Albania" were the names of VIP people. They are full of 14, well known figure, beloved, be familiar with who competed in the first night of different genres from "Cha Cha Cha", "Mambo", "Tango", "Waltz" or "Paso Doble". This time, unlike past editions of the public were invited to vote at the time that the couple perform as well during the jury's assessment, part of which is this year the composer Alfred Kaçinari. Although we puntaten first challenge "Dance Off" absent, as it launches next week, a ranking of the best temporary or less according to estimates that were made, has brought before the fever among the stars. The premiere of "Dancing With The Stars Albania 3", ritransmetohet to Saturday at 13:30, while starting this Friday you will be closely acquainted with the challenges of VIP people, seeing the daily summaries of evidence in at 19.30.

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