Ndihmat ruse lejohen ne veri - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

VizionPlusAlbania 2015-11-21

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Pas disa dite diskutimesh dhe reagimesh edhe te zyrtareve te larte evropiane e amerikane, autokolona e 27 kamionëve rusë me ndihma humanitare, ka mbërritur ne Zveçan pasi kaloi piken kufitare te Jarinjes nen shoqërimin e trupave te EULEX-it. Lejimi i kalimit te kamionëve është realizuar pas kontrollit te imtesishem te tyre ne kufi nga ana e policeve te EULEX-it dhe me pas edhe drejtimin e tyre deri ne Zveçan, aty ku ndodhen edhe magazinat e Kryqit te Kuq për ndihma. Hyrja e kamionëve rusë, te cilët insistonin për te dërguar ndihmat, është realizuar ne përputhje te plote te marrëveshjes për menaxhimin e integruar te kufijve te nënshkruar ne Bruksel, gjate raundit te tete te bisedimeve Prishtine-Beograd. Kjo çështje, krahas reagimeve te palës kosovare, ka sjelle edhe deklaratat zyrtareve amerikane. Sekretarja Amerikane e Shtetit, Hillary Clinton tha se ndihmat ne veri janë te panevojshme pasi Kosova nuk ka një krize humanitare.

After several days of discussion and the responses of senior European and American, Russian convoys of 27 trucks with humanitarian aid has arrived in Zvecan after spending Jarinje border point under the escort of the EULEX troops. Allowing trucks crossing was carried out after their subtle control of the border by EULEX policemen, and then even running them up in Zvecan, where there are the repositories of the Red Cross for assistance. The entry of Russian trucks, who insisted on sending aid, was conducted in full accordance to the agreement for the integrated management of borders signed at Brussels, during the eighth round of Belgrade-Pristina talks. This issue, along with reactions from Kosovo, has led the U.S. official statements. U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said that aid in northern Kosovo are unnecessary because there is a humanitarian crisis.

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