Hey! It's that level I keep seeing every time I start Aftershock! Yep, this is the level that is shown off in the first demo (odd that they chose the final level of the Episode).
We have completed the Episode after four levels! I never thought an Episode could consist of just four maps, but Aftershock has proven me wrong! Enforcers make a last second appearance and there is a Vore on Normal and higher difficulties (meaning no Vores whatsoever on Easy). Also... why did we do this again? We were on our own for some reason and then expected to do four levels. I am lost as to the purpose of this pack, there has been less story so far than Q2 or Dark Hour!
This map is definitely better than E1M3, though I am still disappointed that no Secrets have existed since E1M2. Basically, this level is a lot like The Wizard's Manse, going from the bottom to the top of a tower with bridges overlooking the previous floors. Of course, this one then forces you to backtrack to the start (or take the fast way down and take damage, which sounds like a good idea until you learn that your Health will carry over to Introduction).
Also, very interesting gimmick, the "Leap of Faith". I have seen it in some other games such as Unreal and Thief, so seeing it used back in 1996 is quite interesting. Out of all examples I have seen, this was the most obvious (only one with a hint message on the screen, plus the only one where the pathway appeared above you instead of directly ahead).
Fire Scirocco... not sure how fire connects to this map, but at least scirocco seems pretty appropriate for a map with a Wind Tunnel and a "Leap of Faith" that is basically a second invisible Wind Tunnel.