The oak table is heavy
But I am more the immovable object
Trapped by my own stubborn resistance
And fear of crossing an imaginary line
Separating my minute universe
From the unphantomable Infinite
The sparse energy
I expend while just resting
My puny hand upon the table top
Is drawn from the same wellspring tap
That fires the birth of stars
And set the Spheres spinning
Through infinite Space
No doubt the table and I
Share a common heritage
We are born of star stuff
And this same dust
Will one day again
Find its way swirling
Out to rejoin
That inconceivable energy
From whence it
Was born
Could I but understand
Overcome any fear
Make the connection
How easily my hand
Would slip through
That table top
Someday I know our individual
Essential star stuff will merge
But I resent the waiting
Mary Havran