I know it is possible
Science confirms
The space which
At the subatomic level
exists between the molecules
All things being equal
My hand,
itself a collection of loosely bound molecules
Should be able to pass through
The molecules
of the seemingly solid oak table top
But it does not
It should
But I can’t make it
I should be able to put my hand
Through the table top
Not by force (No Karate)
Nor by Meditation
(I have tried)
It should happen easily
I know it is possible
But it does not
Everything vibrates
Molecules bouncing
Repelled by or attracted to
one another
With space always space between them
My hand should
Go through the table top
But it does not
I should be able to
Match up the vibrations
My mind tells me this
should be possible
It is a only a matter of matter
Not really being solid
Particles vibrating
At certain frequencies
So that I should be able
To put my not so solid hand
Through that not so solid table top
But I can not
It doesn’t seem like something
I should need to learn how to do
Rather it should just be so
If I but knew how to tune in
To the correct vibrations
What’s the frequency, Kenneth?
Mary Havran