"Vidyavachaspati" Prof Dr N N Murthy, Internationally reputed Quality, Environment, HRD, Communication Expert, Scholar & Poet spoke on Importance of Advertising at Vijayawada on 16 December 2007. Noted scholar was in city for delivering a keynote address at Silver Jubilee Function of Vijayawada Advertisers at Hotel Ilapuram here in Gandhinagar.
He gave detailed history of advertising, how it started and gained importance in todays competitive world. He narrated how competition started among European nations after First World War and Second World War for conquering more and more territories in the world to sell their goods. Later advertising system entered in India slowly and now it is a big industry, also a recognized profession, he said. With out Ad agencies, newspapers can not survive, can not manage on their own. It will be difficult to imagine to a newspaper getting lot of business with out support of Ad agencies, he pointed out. His lecture was quite impressive and simply excellent.
Prof Murthy is Director of Jagruthi Kiran Consultants, Secretary General, International Benevolent Research Forum (India), Founder Secretary of Jagruthi Kiran Foundation. He received many awards, honors from world over for his work. Dr Murthy is highly qualified with 29 degrees from 21 universities (Limca Record 2008). He has received SOKJ Medal (UK), Knight of Justice Honor (UK), ASIF Medal (Spain), IEI Gold Medal (India); He has got honorary degrees "Vidyavachaspati", "Vidyasagar" and having bestowed honorary degrees Doctor of University (West Indies) and Doctor of Human Letters (UK). UNESCO designated him as Messenger for Culture of Peace for his work. He is author of several books and is Visiting Professor in many countries.
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