Wriddhiman Saha will undergo a on his shoulder in Manchester at the end of July or beginning of August, the BCCI said on Saturday (July 21), posting a timeline on its website which, instead of serving the intended purpose, ended up raising more questions about how the NCA had allegedly 'bungled his rehabilitation'."Wriddhiman Saha has sustained a posterosuperior labral tear. He will undergo surgery on his shoulder in Manchester at the end of July or the 1st week of August," the board said in a statement. "The labral repair surgery will be done by Dr. Lennard Funk in Manchester, UK. The entire course of treatment and consultation that was carried out at the NCA was performed in co-ordination with the India Team management and the GM of Operations," it added.
భుజానికి శస్త్రచికిత్స అనంతరం టీమిండియా టెస్టు వికెట్ కీపర్ వృద్ధిమాన్ సాహా ఇంగ్లాండ్ నుంచి స్వదేశానికి తిరిగొచ్చాడు. గత వారంలో సాహాకు మాంచెస్టర్లో సర్జరీ పూర్తయిన సంగతి తెలిసిందే. సాహా కోలుకోవడానికి కనీసం రెండు నెలల సమయం పడుతుంది.