吕成带着龙龙到欧乐乐的养生馆,龙龙见到电脑高兴的玩了起来,欧乐乐告诉吕成这个是准备赔给他的,吕成觉得欧乐乐的电脑太好了,对欧乐乐提出感谢,欧乐乐让吕成把龙龙放到她这里,吕成独自去公司面试。 面试回来,欧乐乐问起吕成面试的结果,吕成告诉欧乐乐今天又一次面试失败。
The Golden Age of the Leftover Ladies portrays urban women caught in problems and dilemmas in marriage and love affairs, and probes into social causes underlying the hot issue of "left-over women."
Thanks to Babel Fansub for the subtitles.If you want to join us, please contact the QQ Group: 127527936.Babel Fansub's Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BabelSub