欧乐乐和李好到房间里去商量,如何骗过李好妈妈,欧乐乐告诉李好自己的鱼刺是假装的,李好急忙告诉妈妈欧乐乐的嗓子需要到医院去看,两人成功从李好家里脱逃。 梁爽晚上在电脑上和李好聊天的时候,告诉他今天她终于哭了,李好问谁刺激了她。梁爽告诉李好今天看见了付一平被艾晓芳抓住不放的样子。
The Golden Age of the Leftover Ladies portrays urban women caught in problems and dilemmas in marriage and love affairs, and probes into social causes underlying the hot issue of "left-over women."
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