艾晓芳找到赵妮,告诉她马上就要回到乐意,同时许诺赵妮作为网络版的艺术总监,和梁爽平起平坐。 欧妈妈到李好和吕成家里找吕成,并带来了吕成最爱吃的东西。李好急忙回避,欧妈妈向吕成明确提问,吕成回答他是真心喜欢欧乐乐,但是却不知道欧乐乐心里怎么想。
The Golden Age of the Leftover Ladies portrays urban women caught in problems and dilemmas in marriage and love affairs, and probes into social causes underlying the hot issue of "left-over women."
Thanks to Babel Fansub for the subtitles.If you want to join us, please contact the QQ Group: 127527936.Babel Fansub's Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BabelSub