Shkodra nuk njihet tashme vetem per biçikletat, por edhe lulet jane simbol identifikimi per te. Qyteti verior qe i ka kushtuar plot 150 tekste këngësh luleve, te cilat i gjen thuajse ne çdo shtëpi shkodrane, e ka kthyer ne tradite festen e luleve me 6 maj, ose te njohur ndryshe si dita e ripërtëritjes. Vazot me lule, por jo vetëm, edhe pikturat te fokusuara tek natyra, kane mbushur sheshet kryesore te Shkodrës. Ndonëse jo pushim zyrtar, per pjesën me te madhe te shkollave, kjo dite është shoqëruar me ekskursione. Dita e luleve festohet qe nga viti 2006 ne Shkodër, ndërkohë qe banoret e kësaj zone ne shekuj e kane ruajtur traditën e kultivimit dhe përkujdesjes per to. Gjate ditës ne kryeqendrën e veriut, janë organizuar koncerte, janë hapur ekspozita te ndryshme si dhe panairi artizanal.
Now recognized not only spoiled for bicycles, but the flowers are for identification symbol. Northern city that has paid full 150 lyrics flowers, which finds almost every home in Shkodra, the holiday tradition has returned to the flowers on May 6, or otherwise known as the day of renewal. Vase with flowers, but not only, also focused on paintings of nature, have filled the main squares of Shkodra. Although not an official holiday, for the greater part of the school, this day is associated with excursions. Flower Day is celebrated since 2006 in Shkoder, while the residents of this area for centuries have preserved the tradition of cultivating and caring for them. During the day in the capital of the north, organized concerts, exhibitions are open to different and craft fair.