Obot, dëme të mëdha nga përmbytja - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

VizionPlusAlbania 2015-11-23

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Pas nje muaji izolim nga uji, rruga qe te çon ne fshatin Obot te Shkodrës, eshte bere e kalueshme per mjetet e larta.
Megjithatë pas tërheqjes se ujit, ky fshat i ngjan me shume nje kenete sesa nje zone te banuar nga rreth 200 familje. Demet ne bujqësi dhe blegtori, sektorët kryesore jetike per banoret e kesaj zone, kane renduar me shume gjendjen e tyre ekonomike. Drejtues te komunës Ana e Malit pohojne se humbjet jane shume te mëdha. Ata kërkojnë nisjen e punes nga qarku per verifikimin ne terren. Banoret te cilet duket se i kane humbur shpresat sa i perket dëmshpërblimeve, bejne thirrje per rivenien sa me shpejt ne funksion te shkolles 9-vjeçare qe eshte mbyllur prej nje muaji. Fshati Obot u përmbyt dhe izolua qe nga data 14 mars, pas shkarkimeve nga HEC-et mbi kaskaden e Drinit, por dhe reshjeve te pandërprera te shiut per një kohe te gjate.

After a month of isolation from the water, the road that leads to the village of Shkodra Obot, was made passable for vehicles higher.
However, after the withdrawal of water, the village resembles more a swamp than an area inhabited by about 200 families. Damage to agriculture and livestock, the main sectors vital to the residents of this area, have helped aggravate their economic situation. Leading the municipality of Monte Ana claim that losses are very large. They require work starting from the ground circuit for verification. People who seem to have lost hope regarding reparations, calling for the throw as soon as we feature 9-year school that is closed for a month. Obot village was flooded and isolated from the date March 14, after discharge from hydropower plants on the Drin cascade, but sustained rainfall and rain for a long time.

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