Pas shoqates se prokurorisë, gjykatave dhe avokateve penaliste, edhe opozita ka shprehur rezerva per paketen ligjore te propozuar nga ministria e drejtesise per ashpërsimin e Kodit Penal.
Mbledhja e komisionit te Ligjeve u ndal qe ne nenin e dyte te paketes prej 47 amendimesh. Te majtet e konsideruan si kunder frymes se kodit penal, nismen e qeverise, per ta rritur nga 25 ne 40 vjet denimin me burg per vepra te caktuara. Ish-prokurorja Ermonela Felaj tha duhet rritur minimuni i denimit, per te mos i lene hapesira gjykates te liroje me pak vite burg te denuarit. Nder amendimet e tjera qe pritet te shqyrtohen nga Komisioni i Ligjeve, per te mberritur tek kompromisi i domosdoshëm per t'u miratuar, jane edhe parashikimi i nje denimi nga 3 deri ne 10 vjet burg per marrëdhënie seksuale pa vullnetin e gruas ne nje çift. Por nje çeshtje qe ka provokuar ndjeshmërinë e komuniteteve te ndryshme, eshte përfshirja ne Kod si veper penale e "Fyerjes qe qëllimshme permes sistemeve te teknologjisë, per shkak te etnise, apo orientimit seksual. Per kete veper eshte propozuar dënim deri ne 2 vite burg. Por edhe shmangia nga pagesa e tatimit eshte propozuar te cilesohet veper penale, qe kur kalon shumen e 8 milion lekeve, ndëshkimi te jete nga 4 ne 8 vjet burg.
After association prosecution, courts and lawyers panellists, the opposition has expressed reservations about the proposed legislative package by the ministry of justice for stricter Criminal Code.
Collection of Laws committee was focused on the second section of the package of 47 amendments. Regarded as the left against the spirit of the penal code, the government initiative, to increase from 25 to 40 years prison sentence for certain offenses. Former prosecutor said Ermonela Felaj minimuni the penalty should be increased, not left to the court to release space in a few years the convict prison. Among other amendments expected to be considered by the Commission, to reach the necessary compromise to be approved, are also forecasting a sentence of 3 to 10 years in prison for sexual intercourse without the woman in a couple. But an issue that has provoked the sensitivity of different communities, as is the inclusion in the Code offense of "intentional insult through technology systems, due to ethnicity, or sexual orientation. For this work is proposed penalty up to 2 years in prison. But the avoidance of payment of tax is proposed to qualify a criminal offense, that when the amount exceeds 8 million lekeve, punishment be from 4 to 8 years in prison.