Gjirokastër, sulmohet zyra e Omonias - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

VizionPlusAlbania 2015-11-23

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Zyra e Omonias ne Gjirokastër eshte thyer gjate nates nga nje endacak, i cili ka pesuar edhe vete disa lendime te lehta. Mesohet se ai nuk kishte qellim grabitjen e objektit por vetem shfrytëzimin e tij si strehe. Megjithate, punonjes te zyres pasi konstatuan xhamat e thyer, njolla gjaku perdhe si dhe rrezimin e dokumentacionit ne toke, e cilesuan ngjarjen nje akt vandal, madje aluduan edhe per motive te mundshme politike. Keto dyshime u hodhen poshte disa ore pas ngjarjes kur policia doli zyrtarisht me nje komunikate. Ajo sqaroi se thyerja e xhamave eshte bere nga nje endacak, emri i te cilit nuk behet me dije, qe ka dashur te mos kaloje naten jashte. Nderkohe, zyrtarisht policia nuk i ka vijuar me tej hetimet pasi sipas saj kjo gje nuk eshte kërkuar nga te dëmtuarit.

Omonias office in Gjirokastër is broken at night by a ranger who has suffered himself some minor injuries. Learned that he had no purpose facility robbery but only its use as a shelter. However, employees of the Office as found broken glass, blood stained floor and crash land documentation, deemed the event a vandal act, even seemed to allude to possible political motives. These doubts were dismissed a few hours after the incident when the police officially came out with a press. She explained that the breaking of glass is made by a ranger, whose name is not done with knowledge, who wanted not to spend the night outside. While police have not officially attended further investigation because according to her this is not required by the injured party.

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