Projekti për internet falas - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

VizionPlusAlbania 2015-11-22

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Internet edhe ne pikat ku nuk punojne as telefonat fiks apo celularet. Kjo është ideja e projektit qe premton navigim falas ne 1250 pika te shpërndara ne te gjithe vendin.
Projekti i postes dhe qeverise shqiptare, u realizua nga kompania e internetit Tring comunications. Me shume akses do te kene qendrat universitare publike, por edhe zona te thella. Ne fakt sipas kryeministrit Berisha, perdorimi i internetit ne Shqipëri eshte rritur ndjeshem. Projekti ka nje vlere totale prej 3.1 milione euro. 49 pika ofrimit te internetit jane te dedikuara per 16 universitetet publike ne vend, ndersa pjesa tjeter është instaluar ne zyrat e pushtetit vendor apo qendrat arsimore ne rrethe.

Internet even in areas where no work either landline or mobile phones. This is the idea of the project that promises free navigational 1250 points scattered throughout the country.
Mail Project and the Albanian government, was conducted by the company's website Tring comunications. More will have access to public university centers but remote areas. In fact, according to Prime Minister Berisha, the use of the Internet in Albania has increased significantly. The project has a total value of 3.1 million euro. 49 points internet delivery are dedicated to the 16 public universities in the country, while the rest is installed in local government offices and educational centers in the districts.

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