Kaos me pagat e administratës - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

VizionPlusAlbania 2015-11-22

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Prej disa ditesh Vizion Plus ka ngritur shqetesimin e mos shperndarjes se pagave per te gjithe administraten publike, pensionistet, personat qe marrin ndihme sociale apo dhe para e tetraplegjiket. Ky problem u pranua zyrtarisht edhe nga qeveria. Diten e djeshme kryeministri Berisha, pergjate mbledhjes se ekzekutivit tha se çrregullimi ka ardhur si pasoje e problemeve teknike, miratimi me vonese i buxhetit te shtetit, dhe po keshtu xhirimi i liste-pagesave nga dega e thesarit, jashte afatit te parashikuar. Po diten e djeshme zyrtarisht u njoftua se nisi zhbllokimi i parave per disa institucione. Por ne nje deklarate te saj partia Socialiste, tha se nuk behet fjale per vonesa teknike, por per mungese parash, per shkak te krizes ku e ka futur vendin qeveria Berisha. Sot shqetesimin per mungesat e rrogave te arsimtareve eshte detyruar ta pranoje dhe ministri i arsimit Myqerem Tafaj, i cili tha megjithate se shpreson qe çeshtja te zgjidhet shpejt.

For several days Vizion Plus has raised concern not wage distribution for all public administration, retirees, people who receive social assistance or first quadriplegic. This problem was officially recognized by the government. Yesterday the Prime Minister Berisha, along executive meeting said the disorder has come as a result of technical problems, late approval of the state budget, and so did motion payroll treasury branch, outside the period provided. But yesterday officially announced that began releasing money for some institutions. But in a statement its Socialist party, said he is not about technical delays, but for lack of money, because of the crisis that has plunged the country Berisha government. Today, concerns about the lack of teachers' salaries is obliged to accept and Education Minister Myqerem Tafaj, who nevertheless said he hoped the issue resolved soon.

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