Privatizimi i katër HEC-eve - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

VizionPlusAlbania 2015-11-22

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Pas kater deshtimesh radhazi, hapen per here te pare ofertat per tenderin e shitjes se kater HEC-eve. Ne tenderin e pare per Bistrica 1 dhe Bistrica 2, oferten me te larte e ka dhene kompania "Kurum internacional", e paraqitur si nje kompani shqiptare, me 52 milione euro.
Megjithate, ne gare jane gjithsej shtate kompani. Edhe ne tenderin e dyte per Ulzen dhe Shkopetin ka qene e njejta kompani "Kurum internacional", qe ka renditur listen me 57 milione euro, te pakten mbi bazen e çmimit. Megjithate, sipas kryetarit te komisionit te vleresimit te ofertave Sokol Dervishaj, ne vendimin final do te merret parasysh oferta financiare, por edhe detajet teknike. Interesi i kompanive per privatizimin e HEC-eve eshte shtuar pas nje vendimi te qeverise, qe i jep te drejte pronareve te HEC-eve ta shesin energjine me çmimin qe iu leverdis dhe jo me çmimi te paracaktuar, duke liberalizuar tregun ne kete drejtim.

After four consecutive failures, opened for the first time for sale of tender offers four HPPs. We first tender for Bistrica 1 and Bistrica 2, the highest bid was given company "international Kurum", presented as an Albanian company, with 52 million euro.
However, in the race are a total of seven companies. Even in the second tender for Ulza and Shkopet has been the same company "Kurum International", which has ranked list with 57 million euro, at least on the basis of price. However, according to the chairman of the commission evaluation of bids Sokol Dervishaj, in the final decision will be taken into consideration financial offers, but also the technical details. Interest of companies for privatization of HPPs is added after a government decision, which entitle owners to sell energy HPPs with the price that was convenient and not predetermined price liberalizing the market in this direction.

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