Ramush Haradinaj, lindur me 3 Korrik te vitit 1968, eshte nje nga ish-udheheqesit e UCK-se dhe ish-kryeminister i Republikes se Kosoves. Ramush Haradinaj, eshte nje nder komandatet e UCK-se te akuzuar per krime lufte perpara dhe gjate luftes te vitit 1999 ne Kosove nga Gjykata Nderkombetare e Krimeve te Luftes ne Hage. Ai ishte I pari qe u lirua nga te gjitha akuzat ne 3 Prill te vitit 2008. Pas nje apelimi ne vitin 2010 i rikthehet nje gjykimi te pjesesshem, pas pretendimeve te pales akuzuese se nje pjese e deshmitareve ishin te frikesuar. Ne 29 Nentor 2012, Haradinaj dhe bashkeluftetaret e tij, lirohen serish nga te gjitha akuzat per mungese provash.
Rramush Haradinaj vjen ne Vizion Plus ne intervisten e pare integrale perballe gazetarit Adi Krasta i cili i kushton fituesit te Hages nje program te plote A Show. Ne biseden e realizuar ne shtepine e liderit te AAK-se, Rramush Haradinaj prek tema te nxehta e te rendesishme personale e te Kosoves, marredheniet e komplikuara me Kryeministrin aktual Hashim Thaci, si dhe opinione mbi Hagen si process, Carla del Ponten dhe akuzat e saj kunder shqiptareve.
Ne intervisten 70 minuteshe, Adi Krasta ben pyetje precize mbi te ardhmen e veriut te Mitrovices, qeverine e ardhshme dhe reformat e kerkuara nga Bashkimi Europian.
Ramush Haradinaj ben komente per politiken e Shqiperise, udheheqesit e saj dhe doktrinen e shumediskutuar te bashkimit kombetar.
Pyetja se ciles Haradinaj i jep gjithmone pergjigje te drejperdrejte per postin e mundshem te Kryeministrit kete here zevendesohet me pyetjen kur?, dhe ketu Ramush Haradinaj nuk ngurron te pergjigjet hapur. Inervisten e plote me ish-komandantin e UÇK-së, Rramush Haradinajn mund ta ndiqni neser ne oren 21 ne A Show, ne ekranin e Vizion Plus.
Ramush Haradinaj, born on 3 July 1968, is one of the former KLA leader and former prime minister of the Republic of Kosovo. Ramush Haradinaj, is one of the KLA commanders accused of war crimes before and during the 1999 war in Kosovo by the International War Crimes Tribunal in The Hague. He was the first to be cleared of all charges on 3 April 2008. After an appeal in 2010 returns pjesesshem trial after accusing party claims that some of the witnesses were afraid. On 29 November 2012, Haradinaj and his comrades are released again from all charges for lack of evidence.
Rramush Haradinaj comes in the Vision Plus in the first interview integral front Adi Krasta journalist who devotes Hague winners a full program A Show. We implemented conversation at the home of the leader of AAK, Rramush Haradinaj tackles hot topics of personal importance of Kosovo, complicated relationship with the current Prime Minister Hashim Thaci, as well as opinions on Hagen process, Carla del Ponte and charges its against the Albanians.
70-minute interview, Adi Krasta makes precise questions about the future of the north of Mitrovica, the next government and reforms demanded by the European Union.
Ramush Haradinaj makes comments on the policy of Alban...