Eshte shoqeruar me debate diskutimi i projektligjit te qeverise per pergjimet ne Komisionin parlamentar te Sigurisë. Ministri propozues i draftit Genc Pollo tha se nisma u delegon mundesine per pergjime edhe prokurorive ne rrethe, si dhe detyrimin e kompanive celulare te sigurojne aparaturat qe mundesojne e ruajne telefonatat apo e-mailet nen mbikëqyrje.Por çeshtja e pergjimeve ka rikthyer ne komisionin e Sigurisë, debatin per kontrollin parlamentar te Shërbimeve Inteligjente. Arben Isaraj tha se prej 7 vitesh keto institucione nuk mbikëqyren. Ndersa Kryetari i Komisionit Leonard Demi u shpreh se kontrolli nuk eshte kryer per mungese te ligjit. Nderkohe ne parlament, qeveria ka derguar per miratim nje tjeter projektligj qe lidhet me Sherbimet Inteligjente. Drafti eshte propozuar nga Ministria e Mbrojtjes dhe parashikon shkrirjen e "Shërbimin Informativ Ushtarak" dhe zëvendësimin e kesaj strukture me "Agjencinë e inteligjencës se mbrojtjes". PS akuzoi ministrin Imami se kishte përgjuar opozitën përmes SHIU-t, ne mënyrë te paligjshme pas ngjarjeve te 21 janarit.
Has been accompanied by debate discussion of the draft of the government to peek at Security Parliamentary Committee. Minister Genc Pollo draft proposer said that the initiative delegates the opportunity to peek district prosecutor, and the obligation of companies provide mobile devices that enable preserve calls or e-mails under mbikëqyrje.Por wiretapping issue has returned Safety Commission debate on parliamentary control of intelligence services. Arben Isaraj said 7 years these institutions not supervised. As Commission Chairman Leonard Demi said that control is not carried out due to lack of the law. While in parliament, the government has sent for approval to another bill related to intelligence. The draft was proposed by the Ministry of Defence and provides for the dissolution of the "Military Intelligence Service" and the replacement of this structure with the "Defense Intelligence Agency". PS accused Minister Imami had tapped the opposition through the rain-t, unlawfully following the events of 21 January.