Fyle: Shqipëria, status me kushte - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

VizionPlusAlbania 2015-11-22

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Ashtu siç pritej, Komisioni Evropian ka rekomanduar dhenien Shqipërisë te statusit te vendit kandidat duke i lene si kusht plotësimin e tre detyrave kryesore: reformen ne gjyqesor, ne administratën publike dhe ate parlamentare.
Permbushja e ketyre kushteve, i hap driten jeshile marrjes se statusit te plote, per tu bere kandidat per ne BE. Deklarata eshte bere nga eurokomisioneri per Zgjerim Stefan Fyle gjate punimeve te komitetit per punet e jashtme te Parlamentit Evropian. "Shqiperia ka bere progres te konsiderueshem, sidomos ne marrëveshjet mes partive per reformat e kerkuara nga Bashkimi Evropain. Jane ndermarre disa reforma te konsiderueshme te percaktuara edhe ne opinionin e Komisionit Evropian. Duke pare kete progres komisioni rekomandon se keshilli duhet t'i jape Shqipërisë statusin e vendit kandidat me kusht qe reforma kyçe ne sistemin gjyqësor dhe administratën publike te plotësohen, ashtu si dhe reforma parlamentare. Komisioni do te hartoje nje raport sapo te jete arritur ky progres",u shpreh Fyle. Shqipëria merr kete pergjigje pozitive per statusin e kandidatit pas deshtimit per dy vite radhazi. Aplikimi per statusin u dorezua ne pranveren e vitit 2010 nga kryeministri Berisha ne kohen kur presidencën unionit e mbante Çekia.

As expected, the European Commission has recommended granting Albania candidate status leaving as a condition of completing the three main tasks: judicial reform, public administration and parliament.
The fulfillment of these conditions, gives green light receiving full status, to become a candidate for EU. The statement was made by eurokomisioneri for Enlargement Stefan Fule during the proceedings of the committee of the European Parliament's foreign affairs. "Albania has made considerable progress, especially in the agreements between the parties for reforms ever requested by the Union. Some significant reforms have been undertaken as stated in the European Commission. Seeing this progress the committee recommends that the council should give Albania candidate status provided that key reforms in the judicial system and public administration are met, as well as parliamentary reform. The Commission will produce a report soon to be achieved this progress, "said Füle. Albania takes this positive response to the failure candidate status for two consecutive years. Application status surrendered in the spring of 2010 by Prime Minister Sali Berisha at the time kept the union presidency Czech Republic.

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