"Tragjedia mund te evitohej" - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

VizionPlusAlbania 2015-11-22

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Një dite pas vrasjes se dyfishte ne Pogradec, vjehrri i autorit te ngjarjes tregon se konfliktet mes familjeve janë te hershme. Gjykata e rrethit kishte lëshuar një urdhër mbrojtjeje për familjen e Gezim Aliut, por sipas tij policia nuk e ka zbatuar asnjëherë këtë vendim. Aliu rrëfen se pas divorcit te vajzës problemet me dhëndrin Romeo Myrtezaj janë shtuar deri sa kulmuan me vrasjen e vëllait te tij qe përpiqej ta ndalonte 25-vjeçarin dhe gjyshit te vajzës 65 vjecarit Fatmir Muhaxhirit. Gjate ekzekutimit te gjyshit te ish-bashkëshortes Myrtezaj ka mbetur i plagosur lehte, duke mos mundur te arratiset deri sa ka mbërritur policia ne vendngjarje. Madje Gezim Aliu babai i vajzës thekson se ndërhyrja e bluve ka qene shume e vonuar edhe pse janë lajmëruar nga familjaret menjëherë.

A day after the double murder in Pogradec, the author's father-in-law of the event shows that conflicts between families are early. District Court issued an order of protection for the family of Chris Ali, but according to him, the police never implemented the decision. Ali confesses that after the divorce to the girl Romeo groom problems Myrtezaj are added until it culminated in the murder of his brother who tried to stop the 25-year-old and 65-year-old daughter grandfather Fatmir Muhaxhiri. During the execution of former wife Myrtezaj grandfather remained slightly wounded, unable to escape until police arrived on the scene. Chris even Ali's father states that the blue interference daughter was very late although heralded by immediate family members.

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