Gjysma e te diplomuarve ne degën e farmacisë ne te gjithë vendin nuk kane arritur te kalojnë provimin e shtetit. Rezultatet me te dobëta i kane studentet e universiteteve private, e ne disa prej tyre shifra e ngelesve shkon afër 60%. Drejtuesit e Urdhrit te Farmacisteve pohojnë se ne disa raste fakulteti mbarohet pa u ndjekur fare nga studentet, ose ndiqet me kohe te pjesshme ne mënyrë te jashtëligjshme. Një problem shqetësues për tregun e farmacisteve është mbingopja me te diplomuar. Sipas te dhënave, deri tani ushtrojnë profesionin mbi 2 mije farmaciste, shifër qe tejkalon nevojat e popullsisë. Por ndërkohë, këtij numri i shtohen edhe 350 studente te rinj, qe diplomohen ne një vit.
Half of the graduates in pharmacy branch locations throughout the country have failed to pass the state exam. Lowest scores of the students of private universities, and in some ngelesve digit runs near 60%. The leaders of the Order of Pharmacists claim that in some cases completed university without being followed by students at all, or part time followed illegally. A problem for pharmacists is supersaturate market with graduates. According to the data, so far over two thousand practicing pharmacists, a figure that exceeds the needs of the population. But meanwhile, the number of added 350 new students graduating in a year.