"Sula", Prokuroria nis hetimet - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

VizionPlusAlbania 2015-11-22

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Prokuroria e Elbasanit ka nisur hetimet për incidentin ne stadiumin e Peqinit ne takimin e se shtunës Shkumbini-Flamurtari, ku deputeti Dashnor Sula dyshohet për gjuajtje me arme. Prokurori Ervin Goga tha ne telefon për "Vizion Plus" se policia ka dorëzuar ne organin e akuzës dosjen me hetimet paraprake ne lidhje me këtë ngjarje. Ndërkohë, procedimi penal konfirmohet edhe vete nga deputeti Dashnor Sula, i cili dha shpjegime ne ambientet e Federatës Shqiptare te Futbollit se bashku me kryetarin e Bashkise, por edhe shefin e klubit Shkumbini. Prania ne FSHF, solli mungesën e deputetit Sula ne Komisionin e Ligjeve, ku dukej se pritej me kuriozitet, sidomos nga opozita. Bashkim Fino e mbuloi këtë mungese me shfaqjen para komisionit te një fotoje te Sules ne stadium. Ndërkohë, pas dorëzimit te gjithë relacionit te ngjarjes nga delegati Petrit Brahja dhe vëzhguesi Astrit Mema, pritet te mblidhet Komisioni i Disiplinës për te marre vendimin. Nga ana e Federatës Shqiptare te Futbollit nuk ka pasur asnjë reagim, pasi sipas saj, do te ndikonte ne vendimin e disiplinës.

Prosecution of Elbasan has launched investigations into the incident in Peqin Stadium in Saturday's meeting of the Galway-Birmingham, where Sula lover deputy suspected the shooting. Attorney Ervin Goga said on the phone for "Vision Plus" that the police filed the charge in the body file with the preliminary investigation in connection with this event. Meanwhile, the prosecution also confirmed separately by MP lover Sula, who gave explanations on the premises of the Albanian Football Federation together with the mayor, but Rovers boss club. The presence FSHF brought Sula in the absence of MP Law Commission, which seemed to be greeted with curiosity, especially from the opposition. Fino Union covered the lack of an appearance before the commission Sules photo of the stadium. Meanwhile, after submission of all relation to the event from the delegate and observer Astrit Petrit Braha Mema, is expected to convene the Disciplinary Committee to take decision. By the Albanian Football Federation has had no response, because according to her, would influence the decision of the discipline.

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