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VizionPlusAlbania 2015-11-22

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Pas debateve publike dhe skandalit se kompanitë koncesionare qe merren me prodhimin e naftës ne vend prej 8 vitesh nuk paguajnë tatim fitimin, Agjencia Kombëtare e Burimeve Natyrore ka nisur një auditim financiar ndaj tyre. Ajo çka po shikohet me lupë është zëri i shpenzimeve, aty ky dyshohet se spekulimi është me i madh. Ky kontroll pritet te përfundojë ne muajin maj, kohe kur do te mësohet nëse dalin apo jo me fitim kompanitë. Por ky nuk është kontrolli i pare ndaj kompanive te naftës. Edhe pse zyrtarisht nuk bëhen te ditura konkluzionet e auditeve te mëparshme, ajo qe mund te thuhet është se kontrollet kane qene selektive. Për vitin 2011 janë shitur rreth 900 milion ton nafte, vlera e te cilave arrin ne 450 milion $. Drejtori i Agjencisë shpjegon arsyet se pse kompanitë i janë shmangur tatim-fitimit. Shqipëria filloi te japë me koncesion kërkimin dhe shfrytëzimin e naftës qe ne vitin 1994 me ane te një ligji te posaçëm i cili parashikon qe koncesionaret te paguajnë 50% tatim-fitimi ne buxhetin e shtetit, pasi te jete rikuperuar kostoja e investimit fillestar. Por marrëveshje te tilla kane filluar te funksionojnë ne vitin 2004 dhe qe nga ajo kohe ne treg janë rreth 4 kompani te cilat deri me sot nuk kane paguar asnjë leke tatim-fitimi, duke i justifikuar bilancet e tyre me shpenzimet e larta.

After public debates and scandal that concession companies that deal with oil production in the country for 8 years do not pay tax on profit, the National Agency of Natural Resources has launched a financial audit on them. What is seen with a magnifying glass is the voice of expenditure, it is suspected that there is great speculation. This control is expected to be completed in May, when they will learn whether or not the profit out companies. But this is not the first to control the oil companies. Although not officially made ??available to the conclusions of previous audits, what can be said is that the controls have been selective. For the year 2011 have been sold around 900 million tons of oil, the value of which amounts to $ 450 million. Agency Director explains reasons why companies have avoided income tax. Albania began concession research and exploitation of oil since 1994 through a special law which provides that the concessionaires to pay 50% tax on profit in the state budget, after recovering the initial investment cost. But such agreements have started to operate in 2004 and from that time on the market are about 4 companies which so far have not paid any tax ALL-profit, justified by their balance sheets with higher costs.

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