Bariu: Si me plagosen ne kufi - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

VizionPlusAlbania 2015-11-22

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35-vjeçari Gëzim Drekaj, nga Malësia e Madhe, rrëfen incidentin me policet malazeze ne kufi dhe momentin kur ata e plagosen. Nga spitali i Shkodres, ku po mjekohet për plagët qe ka marre nga plumbat ne këmbë, Drekaj thotë se me bashkëfshatarin e tij po merrte bagëtitë qe i kishin kaluar nga fshati Vukpalaj ne territorin e Malit te Zi, kur patrulla kufitare i ka bere shenje te ndalonte. Te frikësuar ata kane tentuar te kthehen mbrapsht, por janë gjendur ne breshërinë e plumbave. Ndërkohë, burime zyrtare nga policia e Shkodres bëjnë me dije se për hetimin e ngjarjes, do te ngrihet një komision i përbashkët shqiptaro-malazez.

35-year-old Joy Drekaj, from the Highland Kingdom, narrated the incident to police Montenegrin border and when they are injured. Shkodra hospital where he was treated for wounds received from bullets in the leg, Drekaj says that his fellow was taking cattle which had passed the village Vukpalaj in the territory of Montenegro, the border patrol has made the sign of prohibited. The fear they have tried to turn back, but the bullets found in biathletes. Meanwhile, official sources from Shkodra police suggest that the investigation of the event, will establish a joint committee of the Albanian-Montenegrin.

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