"Dancing with the Stars Albania"Dy dite para nisjes se edicionit te trete te spektaklit me te ndjekur "Dancing with the Stars Albania", balerini i njohur shqiptar, Ilir Shaqiri, tregon mbi emocionet e kësaj gare te suksesshme. Ai është ne rolin e kryetarit te jurisë se Dancing Albania, një produksion ekskluziv i "Vizion Plus" e "Tring Dixhital", me patente ndërkombëtare nga "BBC Word Wide".
Balerini qe tashme ka ndërtuar një karriere te rëndësishme jashtë vendit, thotë se përzgjedhja e personazheve VIP, konkretisht 14 te tille, ne këtë edicion te "Dancing with the Stars", është mjaft e goditur. Por, kur e pyet nëse do te tregohet i ashpër apo i bute me ta, Shaqiri ia le vlershmin përgatitjes se tyre. Si pjese e risive, ne këtë edicion te trete te "Dancing with the Stars", krah Ilir Shaqirit dhe Iva Ticos, ne juri do te qëndrojë edhe kompozitori i njohur Alfred Kacinari. Spektakli i cili nis ne "Vizion Plus" te enjten ne orën 21:00 do te na shoqërojë për 12 jave rresht, deri ne mbrëmjen finale, ku do te shpallet edhe fituesi i edicionit te trete te "Dancing with the Stars".
"Dancing with the Stars Albania" Two days before the departure of the third edition to follow in performing "Dancing with the Stars Albania," Albanian famous ballet dancer, Ilir Shaqiri, shows the emotions of the race successfully. It is the role of chairman of the jury that Dancing Albania, an exclusive production of "Vision Plus" and "Digital Tring", with international patents "BBC Word Wide".
Ballet dancer who has already built an important career abroad, says the VIP selection of characters, namely 14 so, in this edition of "Dancing with the Stars", is quite striking. But when asked if it will be shown severe or mild with them, let him vlershmin Shaqiri their preparation. As part of innovation, in this third edition of "Dancing with the Stars", side Ilir Shaqiri and Iva ticos, the jury will stay well-known composer Alfred Kacinari. The show, which begins in "Vision Plus" Thursday at 21:00 o'clock will accompany us for 12 consecutive weeks, until the final evening, which will be declared the winner of the third edition of "Dancing with the Stars".