"Albpetrol", debate ne Kuvend - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

VizionPlusAlbania 2015-11-22

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Çështja e privatizimit te "Albpetrol" ka shkaktuar debate te ashpra ne parlament. Opozita ka kritikuar procesin si jo transparent dhe klientelist , por ministri i Ekonomisë, Nasip Naco, ka mbrojtur projektligjin, pasi sipas tij, privatizimi sjell me shume para ne buxhetin e shtetit dhe pasuria shtetërore do te menaxhohet me mire. 24 ore para se te niste seanca, një grup deputetesh demokrate paraqiten disa amendamente. Deputeti Edmond Spaho ka sqaruar se këto propozime synojnë te evidentojnë vlerën reale te kompanisë, e cila nuk është aq e madhe sa mendohet. Me herët ka patur replika mes Topallit dhe Braçes, pasi ky i fundit kërkoi edhe njëherë mbledhjen e Komisionit te Ekonomisë për te diskutuar amendamentet e reja te demokrateve.

The issue of privatization of "Albpetrol" has caused fierce debate in parliament. The opposition has criticized the process as opaque and clientelist, but Economy Minister Nasip Naco, defended the bill, as according to him, privatization brings more money in the state budget and state assets will be managed better. 24 hours before the session began, a group of Democrat MPs submitted several amendments. Edmond Spaho MP explained that these proposals aim to identify the real value of the company, which is not as great as thought. Earlier there was Topalli and replies between braces, as the latter once again urged the Economic Commission meeting to discuss new amendments to the Democrats.

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