"Shtëpia e Bernarda Albes" është vene për here te pare ne skenën e teatrit tone gati 50 vjet me pare ku petkun e personazheve e vishnin emrat si Marie Logoreci, Violeta Manushi apo Drita Pelinku.
Por sot, Kiço Londo e riktheu dramën e njohur te spanjollit Federico Garsia Lorka, dhe protagoniste te "Shtëpisë se Bernarda Albes" ishte pikërisht 8 aktore te njohura dhe te reja te skenës vendase. Si gruaja dominuese dhe despotike, nena e 5 vajzave te saj, Luiza Xhuvani zbuloi mbrëmjen e te enjtes një Bernarda Alba, plot tension. Ne fakt fuqia e kësaj drame, te cilën Lorka e krijoi ne vitin 1936, e qe i vendos ngjarjet ne Andaluzi, pas vdekjes se burrit te dyte te Bernarda Albes, ishte për Kico London një ëndërr karriere. Nga ana tjetër, edhe pse me një rol episodik, Roza Anagnosti sfidoi ne skenën "Shekspir" moshën, me petkun e nënës se lojtur te Bernardes, personazh te cilin e konsideroi nevoje për artistin me eksperience. Eriona Kakeli, Adriana Tolka, Mirela Naska, Ermira Hysaj, Taulanta Jupi dhe Esela Pysqyli ishin aktoret e tjera protagoniste te dramës e cila u vendos mes një skenografie te thjeshte por funksionale. "Shtëpia e Bernada Albes" do te vazhdoje te shfaqet ne teatrin "Metropol" deri ne 11 dhjetor.
"The House of Bernarda Albes" is put for the first time in our theater scene nearly 50 years ago where he wore the garb of the characters names like Marie Logoreci, Violeta Manushi or Pelinku light.
But today, the restored Kico Londo drama known Spaniard Federico Garcia Lorka, and the protagonist of "House of Bernarda Albes" was very popular actors and 8 new domestic scene. As dominant and despotic woman, mother of 5 girls to her, Luisa Xhuvani Thursday unveiled an evening of Bernarda Alba, hectic. In fact the power of this drama, which he Lorka created in 1936, and that puts events in Andalusia, after the death of Bernarda's second husband Albes, London Kico was a dream career. On the other hand, though with an episodic role, Rosa Anagnosti challenged the scene "Shakespeare" age, mother's dress that played to Bernardes, a character which the artist saw the need for experienced. Eriona Kakeli, Adriana Tolka, Mirela Naska, Ermira Hysaj, Jupi and Esela Taulantia Pysqyli were other actors protagonists of the drama which was placed between a simple but functional scenery. "Albes Bernada House" will continue to appear in theater "Metropol" until December 11.