Ndihma e shpejte s'vjen kurrë ne kohe - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

VizionPlusAlbania 2015-11-21

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Shume jete njerëzore mund te ishin shpëtuar nëse strukturat qe japin ndihmën e shpejte do te mundeshin vërtet te ndërhynin ne kohe dhe me pajisjet e duhura.
Ngjarjet e fundit tregojnë se çdo vonese apo mungese mjetesh ka sjelle fund tragjik për te lënduarit. Rasti me tipik ishte ai i gjyqtarit Skerdilajd Konomi ne Vlorë, qytet ku funksionon vetëm një ambulance. Pas hedhjes ne ere te makinës, ndërsa gjyqtari ndodhej ne minutat e fundit te jetës, ambulanca mbërriti afro 20 minuta me vonese. Edhe policet qe ndodheshin aty nuk ndërhynë, duke ua lënë gjithçka ne dore qytetareve te rastësishëm. Një tjetër ngjarje tragjike u shënua ne Tirane pak dite me pare, kur tre anëtarë te familjes Spahiu humben jetën ne një apartament nga zjarri dhe asfiksia. Dëshmitarët pohuan se zjarrfikësit u vonuan dhe se ata nuk ishin te pajisur me kostumet e posaçme kundër flakëve te zjarrit. Vetëm një dite me pare, banore te Bregut te Lumit ne periferi te Tiranes thane se policia dhe palombarët nuk zhvilluan kërkime te plota për te gjetur një vajze 12-vjeçare qe ra aksidentalisht ne ujë. Ndërsa ne Milot, një bari qe lumi Mat e izoloi ne mes te shtratit te tij ne një grumbull inertesh, është lënë për shume ore ne mëshirë te fatit, madje nuk u be i mundur as shpëtimi me helikopter. Vetëm ne mesnate, ai u nxor nga palombarët e lidhur me njeri-tjetrin. E si te mos mjaftonte mungesat e pajisjeve, ne rastet e emergjencave bëhen pengese dhe problemet me infrastrukturën, si ne rastin e tregut pranë Shkollës Teknologjike, ku zjarri i rene nga fishekzjarrët shkrumboi dhjetëra dyqane.

Many lives could be saved if the structures that will provide rapid assistance they could to intervene in real time and with proper equipment.
Recent events show that any delay or lack of tools has brought a tragic end for the injured. A typical case was that of a judge Skerdilajd Konomi in Vlora, a city where there is only one ambulance. After casting in the wind machine, while the judge was in the last minutes of life, the ambulance arrived about 20 minutes late. Even policemen who were there did not intervene, leaving everything to chance hand citizens. Another tragic event was marked in Tirana a few days ago, when three Spahiu family members died in an apartment fire and asphyxiation. Witnesses stated that the firefighters were delayed and that they were not equipped with special suits against the flames of fire. Only a day earlier, residents of river bank in the outskirts of Tirana and the diver said that police did not complete the research conducted to find a 12-year-old girl was accidentally dropped in water. While in Milot, a drug that Mat isolated river in the middle of his bed in a pile of inertia, is left for many hours at the mercy of fate, was not even made ??possible by helicopter or rescue. Just at midnight, he was taken by diver connected with each other. And as the lack of equipment was not enough, we become obstacles emergencies and problems with infrastructure, like the marke...

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