Berisha, akuza Edi Rames - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

VizionPlusAlbania 2015-11-21

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Kryeministri Berisha nga Elbasani ka akuzuar rivalin e tij politik Edi Rama si bllokues te reformave te qeverise per integrimin e vendit.
Shefi i qeverise deklaroi se mazhoranca eshte e gatshme te bashkëpunojë si per rregulloren e Kuvendit ashtu edhe Kodin Zgjedhor, por sipas tij opozita po behet pengese per zgjidhjen e çështjes. Ne vijim te sulmeve ndaj liderit socialist, Berisha e cilësoi Ramen dështak, madje shtoi se disfata e tij me e madhe do te jete ne zgjedhjet e ardhshme parlamentare. Shefi i qeverise inauguroi rrugën Elbasan-Gjinar, 22 km te gjate per te cilën jane investuar 500 milion leke. Punimet per aksin qe lidh qytetin me zonen turistike nisen dy vjet me pare.

Premier Berisha from Elbasan has accused his political rival Edi Rama as blocking reform of the government to integrate the country.
Head of Government said that the majority is willing to cooperate as per rules of the Assembly and the Electoral Code, but in his opposition becomes an obstacle for resolving the issue. Following the attacks on the socialist leader, Berisha called Ramen loser, even added that his defeat will be big in the upcoming parliamentary elections. Head of government inaugurated Gjinar Elbasan-way, 22 km long, which are to invest 500 million leks. Works to the axis that connects the city to leave the tourist area two years ago.

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