Luyten Civil War | From My Cold, Dead Hands | Mission 10 [Insane]

Novachen 2014-08-05

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A Playthrough of the FreeSpace 2 Modification Luyten Civil War released by TopAce in 2012 on Insane Difficulty by Novachen.

You can download the current version, here:

Kemmler is dead and XX23 has surrendered during the last mission. The advantage of this conflict is on our side now. The Luyten Navy will be strike back for sure. Not surprisingly, we have lost contact with the GTCv Odyssey and GTI Olympus and we have to know what happened to them.

Actually there is a Fighter and Bomber version of this mission, but the differences only affect the AI-classes both of your wingmates and your enemies as some orders for them.
At the beginning you have to see, that Luyten forces capture the GTCv Odyssy. Do not interfere in this operation, you can not safe the Deimos because the Captain will self-destruct his ship and will take the attackers with it. Kill any remaining GTF Hercules which survived this explosion instead and then head for the Installation.
Two transports will arrive together with escort fighters. Attack the Argo escorts first and the Elysium escorts should be emerge in this battle to. After they are down, kill the both transports before they are able to dock with the station.
On difficulties below Medium you have 10 more seconds to intercept the Transports, on higher than Medium you have 10 less seconds instead.
Scan the investigation point, but attack the incoming wing during it to support your wingmates, because they are very important during the end of the mission.
After you scanned the Investigation points, a cruiser appears aswell some bombers on the other side of the station. As a fighter, ignore the cruiser and take down the Bombers including their bombs all by yourself. This Ursa's should not have a chance against your state-of-the-art fighter. If you are flying a Bomber instead, attack the cruiser directly because Beta is ordered to intercept the Bombers.
After both groups are down, head to the Fighterbay and say good bye to your Ezechiel because you will change your ship and will pilot an armed Transport now. I hope you saved your wingmates, but without them you will unlikely survive the following engagement.
A Perseus wing appear and want your death. Order all wingmates to cover you and try to attack the Perseus yourself. Your ship is not very maneuverable, so keep trying and hope that you will survive. During this battle the Wilhelm, a GTC Aeolus, will jump in. Ignore it and try to get distance to it, also keep your wingmates away from it to. Wait for the Washington and land onto it after it is in the mission area.
This Mission ends automatically in a cutscene if you reach the Fighterbay.

Played and recorded by:
Jenna "Novachen" Trassa

Questions and Feedback in German and English would be appreciated, but is also possible in French, Spanish and Chinese, because my sister is able to read and understand it. But do not expect an answer in the same language.
If you want direct contact, please e-mail to [email protected].

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