This is the story of Karyn Gitsham,
Who found herself in a jam,
When her spaniel called Ramsey,
Chased seagulls to make him happy,
He followed them into the water,
Further out than he really ought to.
The current was far too strong,
And began to carry him along,
Away from Carrickalinga beach.
Karyn did her best to reach,
Climbing high upon a rock,
But slipped and fell with a shock.
Joining Ramsey in the water,
Karyn saw a fin come towards her,
A shark! she thought at first,
Her situation seemed the worst.
She realized it was a dolphin pod,
Come to carry out a rescue so odd.
The dolphins knew exactly what to do,
Around Ramsey they formed a horseshoe.
Karyn found a fin in her hand,
She too was taken to land.
This lady and hound,
Nearly drowned,
But thanks to dolphins five,
They're still alive.
Stephen Katona