Eating healthy is not always convenient And If you’re like me, you probably don’t have time to run by the supermarket and get your dose of fresh green veggies! That’s likely the last thing you have time for, right? Or perhaps you’re a mom who wants to make sure her family gets their green veggies every day. After all you care for the health of your family and know what’s good for them. But getting them to eat their green veggies is a struggle, a battle you often lose because kids (even hubbie) are clever at dodging their way out of eating good green foods!
The American Dietary recommendations say that we should be eating at least 1 cup of green vegetables a day. This doesn’t’ sound too difficult but surveys indicate that the average American actually eats only 2 cups of green vegetables in a week!
Down through the ages, mothers, grandmothers, even Popeye—have all tried to get more green veggies into our system! Why is it so important to eat good green vegetables?
• Green vegetables are packed in nutritive value. Considering they have the least calories amongst all vegetables, these vegetables make great fillers in your diet. Green vegetables add fiber content to your diet and contain essential vitamins, minerals and enzymes.
• Did you know that spinach and broccoli are rich in protein? Half a cup of broccoli contains 3 grams of protein. Green superfoods like spirulina and chlorella, blue-green algae, contain more protein than meat, soy or wheat. Protein found in green vegetables is more easily digestible than meat protein. Plant protein is also better for heart health.
• Green vegetables contain beta-carotene, lutein, and zeaxanthin—all powerful antioxidants. Antioxidants not only help neutralize the damaging effects of free radical activity in the molecular structure of the body, but research indicates that these antioxidants particularly help support eye health.