The Vortex: The Power of Gravity
Have you ever wondered how rivers cleanse themselves? Whenever there is too much dirt in the water, somehow it turns clean downstream.
The secret: water never moves in a straight line, water swirls. This movement, known as the vortex, presses air out of water, and how the same can squeeze air back into the water. If there is no air in the water, then there is no dissolved oxygen. Then bacteria cannot survive. However when air is abundant, then bacteria flourish. The continuous shift from full to poor in air leads to the self-cleansing of water. The only source of energy to make this work is gravity.
WATRECO their start-up company in Sweden makes machines that generate a vortex to freeze water faster and cheaper, to replace chemicals that kill bacteria and to permit a higher advertising revenue since crystal clear ice makes that does not crack, maintaining publicity visible all the time.
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