Make An Account with VIP Privileges below. To active the vip privileges ie. unlimited ip and rp, you must get to lvl 5.
common questions you might ask:
I got to lvl 5 and nothing happened?
- Relog back on your account, clear your internet caches, history, and cookies.
I did all of that and it still doesn't work?
-Make sure you have at least 5 wins. This may make you play a few more games, so you may not be lvl 5.
It still doesn't work?
Also make sure, you got to lvl 5 within the first 24 hrs of making the account and your match won/loss ratio is greater than 1.0
How does this work?
This link is actually not a hack, but a referral link given to players that donated money. In turn, if you make an account with it, you gain extra exp, rp, and ir.
Message me if you have any questions, and please don't put "fake and gay" or some stuff. Just because it didn't work for you, does not mean it doesnt!