School Bus Crash Kills South African Children

NTDTelevision 2011-08-25

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More than a dozen young children are killed when a bus plunges off a road and into a lake in South Africa's Western Cape. The children were headed for classes at the Rheenendal primary school when the tragedy occurred.

Rescue officials say at least 14 children and a driver were killed when a South African school bus swerved off a road and plunged into a lake on Wednesday.

The bus, carrying nearly 70 people, crashed close to the southern city of Knysna, about 260 miles east of Cape Town.

More than 40 have been rescued and were receiving treatment at hospitals for cuts, bruises and mild hypothermia.

A spokesman for ER 24 emergency services said that when paramedics found the bus, it was almost fully submerged with just its rear sticking out.

South African Minister of Education, Donald Grant, was visibly moved by the accident.

[Donald Grant, South African Minister of Education]:
"There is a forensic team which is on its way from Cape Town. We are not going to speculate but the bus has been taken under police guard to a place of safety and there will be a thorough investigation."

Officials say most of the children on the bus were between seven and 17 years old.

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