A performance of the Ajigasawa jinku, an Aomori (Tsugaru) min'yō, with lyrics. 青森県(津軽)民謡の鯵ヶ沢甚句の演奏と歌詞、簡単な説明です。
Meaning of the lyrics:
I grew up in Ajigasawa, so I have a tanned skin, but just like the dried persimmons of Yamato [Nara Prefecture], I have a good taste. [The word "aji" (taste) is a play on the name Ajigasawa.]
This is a min'yō sung around Ajigasawa Port. It seems that it originally started as a simple "Ajigasawa kudoki" that evolved into a bon odori (bon dance) song. There are many other songs with similar melodies, such as Tsugaru jinku and Kaseno yakko odori. The repetition of the latter half of the lyrics seems to be influenced by Nagebushi, which was popular in the first half of the Edo period (1603-1868). In this recording, the first half is an example of the nationwide singing style, while the second half illustrates the Tsugaru region's singing style.
Vocalist: Suzuki Toshitsugu
Audio/image editor: Suzuki Shingo