Ram Niwas Singh (Valmiki), a Dalit, serves as an Assistant in the Department of Natural Science at Jamia Millia Islamia University, New Delhi. He has faced caste-based atrocities and discrimination at JMI. When he reported these issues to senior officials, they suggested he convert to Islam, promising a better life if he did so.
These officials (Prof. Nazim Hussain Jafri, Registrar; Nasim Haider, Deputy Registrar; and Prof. Shaheed Tasleem, Head of Department of Foreign Languages) dehumanized Ram Niwas Singh, asserting that Jamia is a Muslim institution and suggesting low-caste individuals like him should be grateful to Muslims.
They even cited an example of "Sachin" who converted to Islam and was given a permanent job as a driver at JMI. Ram Niwas Singh also disclosed that his requests for No Objection Certificates (NOC) to apply for higher positions were repeatedly denied by university officials.