Birthday girl Rani Mukerji is being praised for her performance in Mrs Chatterjee Vs Norway. Rani celebrates her 45th birthday on March 21. Many celebs took to social media to applaud Rani for her performance in the film. Arjun Kapoor shared a selfie with Mrs Chatterjee and his Gunday co-star Ranveer Singh. Arjun wrote, “Mrs Chatterjee ke Do Anmol Ratan.” Ranveer Singh shared the same picture and wrote, “Mrs. Chatterjee vs Gunday!” Recently, Shah Rukh Khan also applauded Rani for her performance in the film. SRK wrote, “My Rani shines in the central role as only a Queen can.” Rani Mukerji celebrated her birthday with the paparazzi by cutting a cake.